Tag: #StThomas

  • ACO Heritage Awards

    ACO Heritage Awards










    The Annual St. Thomas Elgin Branch ACO Heritage Awards
    The annual ceremony to present awards for good practice of architectural preservation from across Elgin County and within the City of St. Thomas was held on Tuesday May 8, 2018.

    We were very honoured to have been chosen to receive an award for Heritage Restoration and had our photo taken with our neighbour Shelley who nominated us.

    The ACO (Architectural Conservancy Ontario) Heritage Awards are designed to:
    • Promote the value of heritage conservation in St. Thomas and Elgin County
    • Recognize individuals and organizations which have shown exemplary effort in heritage conservation
    • Celebrate the quality and value of the built heritage in our communities

    Through advocacy and direct action, ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVANCY ONTARIO has been involved in preserving Ontario’s architectural and environmental heritage since 1933 by helping communities and owners preserve buildings and structures of architectural merit, and places of natural beauty or interest.
    To find out more about the ACO you can visit the website – http://www.acostthomaselgin.ca/about.html